Red Slime


I started getting red slime about a month ago. I used red slime remover. It seemed to have worked but as soon as I did a water change and started the filter, it came back within a week. Any thoughts how to get rid of it for good?
I have been having the same problem,,,although I have tried just about everything and I have been battlling this for a year,,,,mine is purple and almost black to dark greay,,,,it blankets the sand(velvet looking) and grows in long stings,,,I have tried not feeding as much,,,different lighting,,,more frequent water changes,,,nothing is helping,,,I just wait for it to grow and suck half of my sand out with a siphon trying to remove it from time to time,,,,I would also like to see someone else with this problem and pictures,,,and a Solution,,,thanks


It is actually a bacteria and not an algae problem. I use the red slime remover and it has always worked for me. You need to shutdown your protein skimmer and use more than is recommended. I have a 75 gallon and I use like 12 scoops instead like 8. I also do not do as large of a water change as recommended. I do my normal 5 gallons per week and turn my skimmer back on after what is recommended. I have not had an issue with it for about 1 year now. Tank has been up and runnning for like 3.5 years and have only had to treat it 4 times, but none in the last year. Good luck. Also be careful not to use too much. I am not sure what it would do, but I have used up to 15 scopps with no ill effects on any livestock. Also I do have coral,shrimp, fish, and other inverts. Good luck. I know it's ugly.