red slime


my rocks in my tank are completely covered with red slime that is about 1/2 of an inch thick. if i peel it off it comes back in a few days. would it be ok to squirt it off with a water hose?


Well-Known Member

Get as much out by hand that you can. Use a NEW turkey baster mark it "FISH ONLY"....Get rid of phosphates and increase water flow. Do water changes. Red X works but unless you get the phosphates and water flow corrected it will return and eventually your Cyano will be immune to Red X and any other treatment from a bottle.
Over feeding contributes as well, phosphates are the main cause.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Get as much out by hand that you can. Use a NEW turkey baster mark it "FISH ONLY"....Get rid of phosphates and increase water flow. Do water changes. Red X works but unless you get the phosphates and water flow corrected it will return and eventually your Cyano will be immune to Red X and any other treatment from a bottle.
Over feeding contributes as well, phosphates are the main cause.
I agree. I have no problem using a Red Slime remover (there are several good ones) ONCE, along with Flower' s suggestions. If you have to use it more than once in a long while, you have a problem with water quality that could get more serious.


ERYTHROMYACIN-Get it at any pet store. I use Mardels Marycan but there is a ton of different brands. Antibiotic and Cyano is a bacteria. Eats this stuff up in a couple days. First turn off skimmer. Add half the recommended dosage. Leave tank alone for 48 hours. Check it out and if still some cyano remaining add second dose(remember always half). Do water change turn skimmer back on(dial it in for a bit as it will go bonkers at its original setting) and voila! Cyano gone. You will literally see this stuff crumbling in front of your eyes. Have done it 4 times in 6 years and havent lost any living creature in my tank.


would this red slime go away if it were put in a tank that was established and didnt ahve a slime problem? or would it just spread there too?


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by Jstdv8
would this red slime go away if it were put in a tank that was established and didnt ahve a slime problem? or would it just spread there too?

Red slime is caused from bad water, and/or over feeding and/or low water flow.
A different tank won't make any difference if you don't correct what is causing your cyano problem. It is easy to get rid of without chemicals. Don’t be discouraged.
Do you have a phosphate test? Right now don’t bother because red slime will give a false reading of near 0. But have it on hand for later to prevent red slime by keeping tabs on your phosphate level.
How many power heads are you running, and what size tank do you have? Take a stick and attach a ribbon to the end, and move it around in your tank. Find out where you have good water current and where you need more if any. Adjust your power heads accordingly.
Next thing, never over feed your fish. What isn’t eaten in a minute or two becomes cyano food. If you are feeding frozen foods, defrost a cube in a cup of water (only takes a minute) Dump the water with thawed food into a fishnet and rinse…...THEN
feed the fish.
Get a product called Phosphate-E or some other eliminator for phosphates, follow the instructions. AFTER you have cleared the tank of phosphates
, you can run phosban or purigen in your filter to keep it down to almost nothing. Then follow my instructions on feeding , water flow and phosphates to keep the tank slime free.
Keep us posted on your progress...