red starfish laying on sand


i bought it 3 days ago, and those 3 days was very active sticking to the live rock and moving
but now is in one place, i know is alive because when i touch it the little things on the bottom move
it also has a membrane covering the bottom center of the star fish
the store told me they eat nutrients from the tank
so questions
anyone knows what is going on with the starfish
and do i need to add any type of food fot it
thanks in advance


Active Member
as in red starfish do you mean the red general??
starfish can be very active or not active at all, if he is laying ont he sand and his tomach is out leave him alone he is reating.. also you should feed him meaty foods such as shrimp, squidd, silversides, krill etc. they love it! and it very important for them to eat well, you also need a high salinity,, mine is at 1.026 and great water quality.. all my levels are 0


sorry, yes the starfish is red with gray on the top.
sorry for the ignorance, but what is reating, and the other thing
what about the membrane that is under,


Is it flat or spikey on its back?
The membrane you see on the bottom is its stomach.. That is how it digests food.
How did you acclimate this star, & for how long?


Active Member
how long has the tank been set up?
as said how long did you acclimate?
whats your salinity?
whats your water quality?
reating = eating
tomach= stomach


Active Member
Without knowing the parameters others have requested, there is no way to know if your star is healthy.
Many stars are totally unsuitable for that tank size.
Most stars are unsuitable for tanks under 6 months.
They need long drip acclimations - several hours.
Water parameters need to be PRISTINE, in particular, specific gravity should be 1.025-1.026.