Red stuff on bottom of tank


New Member
I've got a redish/brown stuff growing on the bottom of my tank on-top of the sand and im wondering what it is and why its there is kind of furry looking


Well-Known Member
Yes, descriptions can only go so far. It could be a lot of different things. With a pic, we'll know for sure. Aquarists are very visual creatures. :D


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's my screen or the pic, but it looks brown to me. lol. It could be diatoms, or it could be cyanobacteria.
Diatoms eventually go away and is part of a new tank. Cyanobacteria usually forms in cycled tanks that have high nutrient levels, decent lighting on long hours, and low flow rates.
Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Kill your lights and stop feeding for a couple of days and see if it goes away.
The resume with less duration lights and less feeding to keep it away.


I was fighting Cyano for awhile in my established tank, light reduction wasnt working. I ended up putting in another powerhead to increase water movement and it cleared up completely within a week. Syphon out as much as you can before adding a powerhead (that way is doesnt blow all over the tank and cover corals.)


Well-Known Member
+1 on the flow! Good or even great flow is required for a SW system.
I think its diatoms as well...when u start a tank usually u get the diatoms after a week or two, dont know why ur getting it 3months in. Could be new addition of more LR or sand or even light change...
It should go away on its own once it eats up the silicates and other foods it feeds off! If it gets worse in a week or so be sure to let everyone know so we can try and help u out!