red tree sponge


hello all!!!! okay i have a red tree sponge he has been looking fine for the last 5-6 months but then the other day i noticed a little alge on him. now there is a bunch but the sponge still looks okay. whats going on??

nm reef

Active Member
I'm not real familiar with keeping sponges...but I believe some like a moerate to high current to prevent algae growth like you've described. Maybe gently remove the algae and increase circulation. I'd use a turkey baster to remove the algae ....Good luck with yours. :cool:


Active Member
They do best with low amounts of lighting, and very hard currents. Otherwise, you will find yourself constantly blowing algae off the sponge. Algae will clog the pours of the sponge, causing it to soffocate and slowely die off. Air will also get caught in the pours, cuasing it to soffocate. I would recommend placing it in a dark area of the tank, or under a ledge, to prevent any algal growth. Hard currents are also needed on the sponge, as NM Reef already stated. I personally think that sponges are not the easy invertibrate to care for. I've never seen someone keep one healthy and thriving for over a year.


i dont think a terky baster is going to blow enough alge off could i gently rub it off? i will move it to a stronger current though thanx.