Red Velvet Stuff


I have had my tank for a year and a half now. I have a yellow tang, lunar wrasse, 2 manadrin gobies, scooter blenny, 3 domino damsels, several mushroom corals, 2 leather corals, a polyp, and a carnation coral. Over the last 3 months or so I have developed this red, velvet feeling stuff. It covers 90% of the rocks. It goes over all the rocks and is starting to cover some corals. I wipe it off, but it seems to multiply faster if I do that. Most of them have lots of air bubbles under the first layer. Does anyone know what this is? I can email pictures later. Am I feeding too much? All the parameters check out, and nothing is getting sick, yet. I haven't added anything except the damsels in the last 3 months.


How often do you feed and how much? Do you use RO/DI water for your changes? You may have dead zones, and need more water flow.Try cutting back on feeding and adding some small powerheads. If you have cc. clean it.


sounds like cyno algae. "cyanobacteria is caused by poor water flow and poor water conditions, as well as the use of tap water and bad light conditions."(quote from another thread). to get it to stop spreading need more flow through tank. to get it off existing rocks take them out of tank if possible to scrub them off. i think there are some things that eat it but i can't remember the names right now.


I have moved one of the power heads. It hasn't seemed to help. Also, my protein skimmer hasn't worked since I got it, and I'm not sure if that would help. Thanks for the advice. I'll try and get some pictures to see if you guys can verify what it is.


New Member
it is cyanobacteria, check with your lfs and get some chemi-clean. it is a reef safe and will rid it in about 2 doses, and don't use tap water. tap water is the main cause of it.


I added 2 powerheads Rio 600's I put them on PVC pipe Cut the bottom at 45 and send the water down to the bottom of the tank, you can get a big endcap to set them in, to keep your sand from blowing around


It is what you guys are talking about. I have crushed coral though, no sand. I also don't use tap water, only DI from the LFS. I have the chemi-pure in the filter. I'll see about the other chemi-stuff. I think I also need a new protein skimmer, preferably one the works. Especially with all the stuff I have in there.

fish pimp

New Member
how long do u keep ur lights on for? thats what solved my problem i had bought some new pc's and was running them for like 12hrs a day when i was running them that long the cyno started growing i cut the time in half from 12 to 6 hrs and the stuff started dying off almost immediately now i cant even tell the stuff was there. So my advice cut down on your lighting times.