Red Wrath Anemone?


Active Member
Been doing good for me. Hate where it has moved to though... Who knows where the thread is with the non photo tank? I cant remembers whos it was though?



I had one , but it was called a Astralian rock anemone. Very nice red color and stays small. Great thing is with them is there like Gremlins the more you feed them the more they pop out little babbies. I had them for about 2 or 3 years and had a small batch that I sold back and about 30 little pee size or smaller still in the tank when I got burned out on feeding them.


Well Rebelboy I am sure you got it from our LFS in Odessa. They had 3 of them I think and they called it the Waratah Anemone.....I wanted to get one but couldnt because of something went wrong with my tank and had to spend money on other things to keep it going. I didnt lose a coral or the LTA