rEEf ChEcK LiSt!!!


Alright guys I'm starting to wonder when I can finally get corals into my tank so heres my question, do I have every thing I need? Heres a list of what I have currently and what I'm going to do.
Current stats:
500 gph flow rate
65 pounds of LR
5 watts per gallon T5 (timed)
3 inch DSB
Cleanup crew 1 cleaner per gal
ammonia- ZERO
nitrite ZERO
nitrate 30 (yes yes i know)
Amiracle wet/dry
What I plan to get
2 300 gph phs (tommorow)
10 more LBS of LR (tommorow)
fuge and skimmer comeing soon (asap, really as soon as I can sell my wet/dry)
Coral food (cyclopleze, live phyroplancton?)
am I missing anything? What would you suggest I add to my list of get rid ofs and gets? What would be some nice beggener corals? I was thinking some zoos fungia and stools? I also want a BTA asap but i know I have to wait my tank is only 8 months old...


Active Member
Personally, I would wait until your tank has been completely set up with all that you are going to add and has been stable for at least a month or 2 before adding corals.
Good beginner corals that I recommend are zoos, star polyps, mushrooms, ricordias, yellow polyps, and toadstool leathers.
You might also want to concider getting some sponges for added color and variety.


my tanks levels havent moved in 2 months and my nitrates are now down to 20, its really starting to come together, I dont really know what corals perfer any/what food could y'all help me with that, I've heard of some ppl feeding zoos while others not ect ect


Active Member
I don't feed zoos anything other than 8-10 hours per day of lighting. I think that softies generally don't require food supplements other than proper lighting. At least, this has been true in my experience.


Took me a year before I could even START a reef because I couldn't get my temperature steady. Some things you forgot to mention pertaining to a reef are...
What's the temp of your tank at say...noon, and what is it at 1 in the morn?
What's your calcium level?
What's your Alk. level?
What kinda fish do you have?


my temp is always 78 i've never had it drop a degree exept when i accidentally unplugged my heater when i was a newb
currently my fish are
2 convict damsels (i call them chicken little and the con)
2 clowns (nemo and nemona)
1 coral beauty (spaz)
1 diamond back goby (mr. personality)
I guess the alk and cal. tests are things I need to invest in lol, my ph is around 8.2 i cant really tell too well with the colors


i think i'm gonna pick up some zoos after i get ALL my water tested and my fuge plumbed YEAH this is so exciting!


just a simple ? are there any other ways than water changes and micro algeas that reduce nitrates?


OMG when i went to pick up my LR today it was all covered in zoos green star polyps an anenome and a whole bunch of other corals I dont know the name of! I'll post pics so u guys can id asassc! (as soon as the sand storm clears)


the anenome and gps have opened up, alot of the corals are partialy bleached, with the proper lighting they'll come back right?