reef compatibility


I know there are many compatability charts on the net, I have looked at a couple over the past few days but I want some input from live people of there experiences.
I have a pink square anthia, longnose hawk, mandarin goby, 2 yellow tail damsels, and a peppermint shrimp, along with various inverts- cuck, featherdusters, and some polyps, mushrooms, xenia and ricordia. My office staff wants me to get more fish so I need some advice on some of the following.
I would like to add a pair of percula clowns, maybe a tomato clown, and a firefish goby. I was wondering about maybe a flame angel and a tang. Will all of this work together in a 90 gallon reef tank?
Could I replace some from the above list with some form of basslet, 6 line wrasse, bangaii cardinal, dottyback? Will a LS bed work with a orange diamond goby? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
ok look i have a tomato and had a clown needless to say the other clown was harassed by the tomato the tomato will wind up killing any other kind of clown besides maybe a maroon in which case the maroon would kill the tomato.wait to get a flame at least 7 months of tank age.Flame angels are 50/50 on reef safeness.a sixline make sure you have a somewhat good pod pop. unless it eats other things most do but just in case.
Hope this helps some