Reef Crystals - High Phosphate


I have never had this problem before but I have been having a consistently high ( .5 mg/L) phosphate reading in my tank which is growing a wonderful crop of green hair algae all over my live rock. I have tried numerous things to get it under control but to no avail.
So yesterday as I was mixing a fresh batch of Reef Crystals I decided to test the new water. It was reading .5 as well. A quick test of my RO water showed a 0 reading.
Interestingly enough the Calcium level was 370ppm on the new batch also.
Is anyone else having these problems?


Active Member
How new is the salt (when did you buy that batch)? Is it still powdery, or is there some clumps here and there?


Never had a problem with -- salt other than normal low calcium. I now mix 50/50 -- salt and Oceanic salt. I love the results.


Active Member
I have hair algae problem too and red slime I think its cause I add kalk as topoff before which cause many problems in my tank. I haven't test my salt yet I hope I don't get no high reading of phosphate.


My last bucket of reef crystals is giving me a mg reading of 1900. I think I'm just going to switch to regular IO the next time.


Active Member
Definitely contact Instant Ocean about your bad batch though. They will probably ask you to send in a sample, and if the salt is really that bad, they'll probably send you some coupons for free stuff. Worst case, if they say everything is "within their specific guidelines," tell them that is rather upsetting that a premium product is not held to a high regard and you're planning to take your business elsewhere and thanks for your time. And you'll definitely get some coupons then


Funny you should say that

I emailed them yesterday and basically told them what I said in my original post. They responded and asked for a sample for testing. I will keep you posted....