reef crystals or tropic marin pro reef?


has anyone used both?
I am running low on my supply of instant ocean salt, and want to go with either --, or TMPR. I was wondering if anyone had any preferances?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cj7eagle
has anyone used both?
I am running low on my supply of instant ocean salt, and want to go with either --, or TMPR. I was wondering if anyone had any preferances?
i wil only use tm pro my levels are always perfect


Active Member
I use TP pro reef, never again, to high of calcium, to low of alkalinity, and pH, just like Oceanic.
Cost is to high for what I got, maybe a bad batch, don't know but shouldn't have to worry about it at that price.
Was going to try Reef Crystals next, but will never use TM or Oceanic again.


but I have been using reef crystals for about 5 years, never any problems, levels are always the same.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Tropic Marin blows Reef Crystals out of the water. I will only use Tropic Marin or Oceanic.
did i convince u about tm pro


Active Member
I like my reef crystals at $35 for 160 gallon mix and the levels are always great you cant go wrong.


I started with instant ocean salt for the cycling of my tank and then swicthed to reef crystals. I guess it would depend on the type of tank and personal perferance.