Reef Cycle


Ok, I have the 125 set up with 150 or so pounds of live rock from a established tank, a 45 gallon fuge with lr/dsb/cheato/mangroves plul 2 pounds of live sand from established tank. I have been testing my water and did the whole raw shrip thing about a week ago. Shrimp is gone, NH3 never went above 0.25, No2 never above 0.25 but NO3 is around 10 and PH is about 7.8.
What is the chances that the tank wont really do a cycle because all of the rock and sand came out an established tank? I would figure the NH3 and the NO2 would have went up prior to the NO3.
PH started at 8.2 but I have added calicum and it is aroun 450.
What do you think?


Well, I did this with a 10 gallon nano and it was instantly established. I never had a bit of trouble with it. I even took some biological filter medium from my main filter and added it to the smaller one.

al mc

Active Member
I have moved from smaller tanks to larger ones several times and essentially did what you have done. No problems. I would continue to check the ammonia/nitrite/trate daily but this tank is finishing up it's cycle IMO.


Active Member
I had pretty much fully cured rock for my 65. My NH3 never went above 0.50
Im assuming your NH3 and NO3 are at 0?
If so, Id do a decent sized water change (20% maybe) and figure that you are set.
Good luck


Yep. Both are at 0. I figure I will check for a few more days and if it stays at zero I guess the cycle is done.