Reef Fish Capatability


Willthese guys get along in a 75 gallon reef with a lot of rock work (100lbs)
neon dotty back
black cap bassett
fairy wrasse
purple fire fish maybe a small school (3)
Am I right in assuming that since they all stay pretty small that they will all do fine in a 75?
If they are compatably which should I add last?


Active Member
the fire fish, i would stay wiht 2 or less(get at teh same time)
the neon dottyback is the only thing i can see as a potential problem, they are slightly aggressive and generally shoudl be kept with more aggressive fish. They may just terrorize your firefish
size is not a problem though, not with that role call.


The wrasses that I seen pics of and I like are:
redheaded (solorensis) male
orangeback (aurantidorsalis) male
lubbock,s (lubbocki)
bluesided (cyanopleura)
tono's (tonozukai) male
These are all fish I seen on a fish id website I am not even sure of these fish are readly available.
Whaty about these fish will they get alond with the others I have listed?
rainfordi goby
purple pseudochromis(instead of the neon dotty)
bi color dottyback(instead of neon)


"jwtrojan44" Do you have a picture of your wrasses? I would love to see them. I have seen a longfin fairy wrasse before they are a deep red right? I have never seen a Lineatus fairy wrasse.
Thanks for the info