reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote


I fwould would like I wish that you would share your favorite fish with me so that I might be able to make up my mind on what to get. I would really like a tang, any success stories for those og us with 65 gallons tanks?


Active Member
tangs in anything smaller than a 75 gal is too small, you could get away with putting a yellow tang in a 65, but there is much debate on that issue. as for my favorite fish....purple firefish


Active Member
I was also thinking flame angel. Great looking fish with an incredible personality. I recently lost mine during a power outage, and I honestly don't know if I can handle getting another one because I liked my last one so much it would be hard to accept a new one. That is the first and only fish I've ever felt that strongly about. I've had a scott's fairy wrasse as well and a wrasse would also make a good addition, look into filamented flasher wrasses too.

tru conch

Active Member
if you have 4-5 in of sand, a yellow headed jaw fish is a great reef fish
they are super curious and will play hide n seek in thier burrow holes with ya. they are peaceful and wont bother anything
the only problem is the tend to jump and go carpet surfing alot, so you gotta have a good lid/top on you tank
the flames are pretty, just try to make them the last addition. i had one turn into a terror who just beat up everyone in the set up (a 75 gal) so i swaped him out with a friend for some coral. htt


Im still new at this and dont have many of the more showy fish, but my favorite so far has been the royal gramma. Great fish that is relatively tough and has a lot of personality. Mine is always swimming upside down and sideways, they always want to keep their bottoms to the rock, it is really fun to watch.



Originally posted by rigby
Isn't a marine betta pretty aggresive? What CAN'T it be with?

no they are harmless to fish but CAN eat pepermint and very small cleaner shrimps