reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote


what size tank is required for a betta, and you say they don't harm inverts other than shrimp? I have a pretty decent size blood- red shrimp, any expirience with these two together. If he touches him I'd be pretty upset.


bicolor blenny has great personallity. If I put my ugly mug up close to the glass, he and my longnose swim right up to me. The blenny will gulp the glass right in front of my nose. Crazy behavor.
Flame angle is awesome, but very timid.



Originally posted by rigby
what size tank is required for a betta, and you say they don't harm inverts other than shrimp? I have a pretty decent size blood- red shrimp, any expirience with these two together. If he touches him I'd be pretty upset.

i dont actually have a marine betta YET but i read LOTSA about them. I dont think that your shrimp will be meal. Also buy a juvi MB if you are going to buy.


I have been told by people on a different site that marine bettas are incredibly shy and wont come out of the rockwork until lights out. Almost any fish will scare it to stay in cover. Just what i have been told though, havent actually tried one to see.