Originally posted by lionfish12
Ill stop being an idot??? ok
You just started up two threads at -- that were full of lies. You said on both of them you had 46 years experience. The you told me Lionfish was your brother...shall I go on?
i'm not sure how it happened, but this site has become a favorite of the adolescents amongst us. many times they are just "messing around." maybe a new forum should be established here for those guys. the consistently uninformed posts being left in the reef forum are driving folks away. and to the posters, the NEW HOBBYIST forum is your best bet for now. just my opinion.
find a mirror and look directly into it. sit back, watch, and learn. and on the occasion where you have valuable input, post away. otherwise, please help me in making my point.
i heard you just have to change your bio balls every month or so
and if my daddy could buy a 92 and you were a family member, and you were lucky, just maybe
Originally posted by corbin1234
i heard you just have to change your bio balls every month or so...
What happens is that the balls trap "crap" and build nitrates. If you are able to take out 1/3 of the balls regularly and clean/scrub them out, then it migh reduce the chance of nitrate buildup. In a FOWLR, you might need the extra surface area to culture the bacteria. Most reefs have enough live rock to sustain enough bacteria. Just get rid of the balls if you want to do reef. I still have a whole garbage bag full of the bioballs from the "olden days".
He has a decent looking FOWLR. I don't see why he has to convert it to a reef system right now. The bioballs should be fine until he decides to convert to a reef, if he decides to convert to a reef.
I agree with the suggestion of rinsing off a fraction of the bioballs and putting it back in. Same concept as any other reusable filter media.