Reef lighting


I just wondered if I could get some advice as to what kind of light I might buy for my 29 gallon tank so that I could have a reef tank? I really don't know much about them and would love to do the corals and inverts along with a few fish. Thanks in advance for any help!


It depends on what type of corals you are planning to keep. Do as much research as you can on any specimens before you get them and get the best lighting that you can afford.
It really does depend on what kind of corals... research, research and research some more. do a search on this site for different kinds of corals this will help you alot.


Active Member
on my 29 gallon tank i ahve a ice cap system with 300 watts of vho lighting. So im pushing like 10 watts per gallon so u can do what ever you want in the tank. I have some pics if you want to see the set up just send me an e-mail


I also have VHO on a 29 gallon - I only have 225 watts as that's all I could comfortably fit in the pre-existing canopy. So far it's been enough for softies, LPS and RBTAs.


Mrstwig, it really depends on what kind of corals you'd want. If you want Hard corals,sps,clams. You'd want MH. For a small tank, and a lot of lighting can cause heat problems and will practically boil your corals, unless you buy a chiller. IMO, I'd go VHO or PC. You would still have a lot of choices.


Thanks so much for the good advice everyone. I have found this whole lighting question to be a little boggle-ing!