Reef lighting


I wanted to know if the lighting below is good fot a 75 gallon reef tank. I want to be able to keep most corals in it.
48" Current USA Dual Satellite Lighting Fixture with Lunar Light
# 4X65W Dual Actinic (420nm/460nm) and Dual Daylight (6,700K/10,000K) bulbs
# 2 Lunar Light
# Fan cooled
# 48.5" X 7.50" X 2.75"
Anyone help would be auesome.


Active Member
For softies and most LPS you should be fine. But it will limit you depending upon what exactly you want to keep.


Im kinda confused. Im looking at power compact lighting. It is not medal halid I dont think. is that ok??
Sorry for posting that website but I really need some help. Can anyone tell me if thats good or not?


Or is this one better???


If you want to be able to keep just about anything consider minimum of at least 5 watts per gallon (375 watts total). If you are goning into a tank deeper than 20 inches then you want more than PC's can deliver. Look at VHO lighting if you don't want to bitr the bullet and go MH.


Active Member
well what kind of lighting would i need to be able to keep everything???
Metal Halide, bar none.
As for the 5 wpg, nonsense. Not to be crude, but it's all about the source of the light(i.e. MH) , not the actual wpg. The WPG rule IMO is BS. MH penetrate the deepest and is the strongest light source available to reefers. Just to give you an idea, I run roughly 13 wpg, but if it was all VHO or PC it wouldn't mean chite. Instead I have 2 250w MH 10k XM, and 2 110w VHO super actinics over my 55g. And by doing so I can keep whatever I please. But the MH are what really count.