Reef Lighting?


I have a 55 gal. tank. I am looking to add LR and some Anemone and some different corals. The people at my LFS said that the JBJ 4 X 55 watts would be plenty.
What does everyone think? Is it?
Is JBJ an ok lighting system?
Also does anyone know of any good places to look for some lights on the internet?
Thank You


that would give you 4 watts per gallon, which is plenty for almost anything you might keep. Only exceptions would be some SPS and Clams I believe. That light will work great on your tank.


Member has a lot of good systems for pretty cheap, also try a search on


If you want to keep only bubbletips, that lighting would be fine. However, most other anemones will require more lighting to thrive. ALL anemones also require some meaty food to supplement the energy they get from their photosynthetic algae. As for the JBJs, JBJ is an excellent brand, and everything I have kept under my JBJ light has done exceptionally. However, as stated above, 4X55 will limit you on the types of corals and such you can keep. Now, if you want to stay with PCs, you could go with 4X96 and it would allow you to keep much more variety in your tank. Or, my suggestion, would be a VHO system with 4X110watt bulbs, which will allow you to keep pretty much anything you would want. HTH