reef lobster


:D i just picked up a purple reef lobster (indo) awsome color and only about 1" long had to tell you all about it 1? how hardy are they? my lfs said they are extremly hardy did he lie to me or not. he was a new guy i have not delt with befor the guy i delt with quit (dam) :mad: he new his stuff.


Active Member
Uhhhhhh.... What kind of tank are you putting this lobster in? They eat fish ya know? That's about all I need to know about them because I really, really, like my fish.
Hopefully someone else can answer your question.
Take care,
Dan'l :D


i know he will have to catch them first though. i am feeding it silversides to keep him away from the fish all figured out i hope.


Active Member
Well, I think you are taking a big chance. Sleeping fish aren't that hard to catch. If you keep it well fed you may be lucky.
Some one else will jump in here I'm sure.
Take care,
Dan'l :D


Active Member
i found an article about these. It says they are reef safe and will not harm healthy fish.
Also add iodine for proper molten and that they will eat most frozen foods.
Good luck and keep in touch with this, i may get one myself ;)


awsome thanks dad i will let you know how it is doing. please anyone respond with your opinions. thanks.
SHARKS how about your opinions?


Hello,The purple lobster will not eat your fish,they are reef safe,the only thing i find that i don't like is that they hide alot so you don't get to see to much of him.


Active Member
Huh! What do you know about that. Sorry if I scared you. I really thought that they were not safe. Let me know how it does for you.
Take care,
Dan'l :D


Active Member
If its in a reef tank, then your purchase you will probably regret later.
Lobsters of any kind can do great damage to corals when using its tail as propulsion.
I hope your tank is FO.
They require 350+ calcium levels also.


hey there,
I have one with fish and it has not been a problem. The only thing, however, is that it is very reclusive. I hardly ever seem mine. It makes a brief cameo appearance every once & a while to let me know it still is around.


Active Member
hummm, everything that i have read says they are a great addition to reef tanks. except for the fact that you do not see them often.
hey, BurnNspy, i never thought about it? you bring up another issue.
my question now is what value do the add to a tank except for color and looks?
i value your opinon very much.
i was thinking of getting one myself. the reason i ask. ;)
btw. love your tank.


Active Member
Lobsters only really add a cool factor to a FO tank.
They are usually a nusciance in a reef tank.


I have one, they are cool and usually stay on the bottom behind rocks, very shy animals but very beautiful. With 250 lbs of rock in a 135 I don't see it very often.


I have one of these guys too. He has never bothered any fish. I have a FO w/ lr. Yes he does hide a lot but comes out to eat flakes or frozen. I have never added calcium to my tank and he has been around for many months. Good luck!


I was doing a search and found this post and wanted to add that I have a purple and he is a recluse for sure but he doesn't bother my fish and currently a lunar wrasse about the same size as him is sharing his cave. I hope this is just because the newly added wrasse is shy not a sign of sickness.


i dont know about the saltwater ones but my freshwater lobster has killed about 5 fish in about 3 months. He is only about 2 in and he does catch them at night so I hope u have better luck than i did. The fish got smart and dont sleep near him anymore, but thats a big chance with saltwater cause of the price i wouldnt want that cracker to eat a $50 fish would u?
hope this helps

here fishy

I had one in a 125 who was active for over 2 years...Fed in krill etc...But it did eat my dragon wrasse one night as it like to burrouw into the sand....Like all creatures each one can definately be different...You will need to keep the calcium levels up so it can shed it's skeleton regularly.


I wouldn't put any type of lobster in a tank that has any fish. At night fish are very vulnarable. Lobster also knock over corals and rocks.