reef ******** needed!


hi, a friend got me a 75 gallons tank as a birthday present. It a whole set up pc lights,wet/dry filter and sump and skimmer. I was thinking of marshall and fiji lr. and live sands. how many pound of lr and ls do you guys recommed. this would be a reef tank and suggestions on coral and fishes. open to all suggestion my tank is your tank :D I'm going to need more room in the house :p :p I'm staring my 125 gallons right now so far so good. this tank going to be for butterfly only and some lr.need help with the 75 gallons please and suggestion cause i can only do one job at the time :mad:
[ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEKING ]


Active Member
Wow! Does your friend want another friend?
Ok, for lr, the rule of thumb seems to be 1 1/2-2lbs per gal, ls, you can use 90% southdown playsand and 10%live sand, you would want a 3-4in. dsb, As for corals, a very nice, hardy one is the schrooms, you could also add a featherduster or two, those are a nice addition. As for fish for a reef I'm partial to Clown fish. We have just 2 Clarkie clowns in out 72 gal reef.
Hope this helps some, Later Lisa
P.S Welcome to the board! :D
[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]


thanks, for the information. one question where can you get southdown playsand? and how do you clean the sand. if any one have any more suggestions please my tank is your tank. i was thinking of mushroom,stars polyps, leather, buttoms, kenya tree, colts these are some i have in mind. As for fishes clowns are good any more fishes. :D :D :D
all suggestion are good i need a help i can't think of what i want in this tank so this tank will be for this board and as soon as i can get my own web site you guys will have pictures so kept those suggestions comming in. and hope that you will enjoy my future web site comming soon! ;) :eek: :rolleyes:


once the tank gets established a firefish , either purple or the regular both are really cool and quite friendly


A yellow or purple tang is always good,or a chevron tang,they do a good job on the algea on the rocks.Deffinately get some Red leg hermits,blueleg hermits,trochus and turbo snails,serpant and brittle stars,cleaner shrimp,coral banded shrimp,sally light foot crabs, a emerald crab or two,and some diamond gobies to sift the sand.Start with mushrooms,then star polyps,then colt corals,then leathers,then anchor corals are good,sponges add color,then anything you want.


hey, thanks for all those replys. I will go and look into the southdown tropical play sand this week at hd. Is it safe to use in a reef tank :confused:. The live sand should be put on top of the play sand right. If you guys have any picture of your reef tank i would love to see it. Any more fishes you guys would love to see this tank in. please write up an list of coral and fish and the best package will be set into this tank :D :D :eek: so more input as much as possible ;)


I don't think putting a butterfly in a reef is a very good idea, kind of like letting a kid loose in a candy store. I'm pretty sure they feed almost exclusively on corals.(correct me if I'm wrong)
Sounds like a nice tank, so far. Just keep researching things before you buy them, and I think you'll do very well.
Good luck,


ok for my reef, i have about 3½ inches of sand with some sparse srushed coral mixed in, for rock i have 45 lbs of live rock and 20-30 lbs of base that asthetically looks almost identical to the LR. as for fish i have the anenome/clown combo that have been a trip (hehehe) i also have a purple firefish that is cool as hell, and 3 green chromis, and they school pretty good. for keeping it clean, take a look at the invert packages in this site's store.


hello kdlbem, no the 75 gallons tank is for a reef tank. the 125 gallons is for the fish and live rock only and that one the butterfish are going into that one. the 75 gallons is going to all coral and some fish that is not danger to the corals. so just asking for reply on fishes to put in. i will waite for two more days for reply and then make a list. and let see how it goes from their :D all suggestions are welcome! ;)