reef octopus 300 vs asm g5 which one is best fit for me?


I going to do my 265 gallon and i am debating on this two skimmer anyone have any experience on these before? Going to be a mix tank coral and fish. Thanks


Active Member
I would go with the MSX 300 instead of the reef octopus 300. It is the smae skimmer, same pumps, but the msx pinwheels are a little better and it is alot cheaper than the octo. The msx 300 is only $399 right now at Marine Solutions......and it is WAY better than a g5


I belong to a ton of forums and the only place I ever hear good things about the ASM skimmers is on this one. Everyone else hates them and thinks they're way too much for what they produce.
I'm thinking about an Octo right now, but a guy at my LFS that I really trust is steering me away from them, says they're a pain to deal with and he sells them, so it's not like he's just trying to get me to buy what he has in stock.


I'm getting the G5 for my 200g+ upgrade next year.
I have a G3 on my 75g reef (stocked on the heavy side) right now and absolutely love it. The skimmate that collects on the neck is the consistency of thick oatmeal. With this skimmer and weekly water changes, my nitrate/phosphate levels are minimal. Also, I haven't done any adjustments to it since I broke it in almost a year ago.
Maybe the MSX and Octopus are better, but I figure why take a chance if I know the ASMs work so well.
Pictures below show about 36 hrs of skimmate production by the G3:



Active Member
Msx300 because it has better diameter 12"and best pump sicce the same pump they use on vertex . Also the best price 400 i wish i still have my old msx because current skimmer eats too much watts even with just 2 pumps running 140-150 per side 280 to 300 watts if all 4 pumps running .