Reef packages

I was considering buying a reef package from SWF. I have a 125g and was considering the 100+ package. My question is has anyone bought this package and is it a good package. I know that it is worth the money considering that if I bought everything separate it would be about 70 bucks more. I have been using mostly turbo snails for my algae and alot of them have died because they fall off the LR and I can't get to them to turn them over. I am looking for some other critters to help keep the algae in check. Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
I bought a smaller package but they were great. The hermit crabs are really nice sized. I think I have the same problem with my turbo snails, they fall off of stuff and can't turn back over and something east them then. Stupid.


One thing you may wish to consider besides looking at the $ saved by buying the package is if everything you are getting in the pack will be compatible with the fish you intend to keep..... some of the critters will prey upon smaller fish or even ones that tend to sleep on the sand and some hermits can get a taste for corals when they get full sized.
Thanks for the input so far. Also is this too much to add to the tank at one time? I currently only have 6 small fish and an extremely small cleaning crew. I am trying to recover from a recent learning curve.


As far as the bioload concern for adding a large reef package...many consider cleaner crews to be a - impact. They do more to remove waste than produce it. The only thing you may want to look into is making sure they do not run out of food. Get some dried algae sheets.. I tear off a piece and then use a rubberband to secure it to a rock... if the critters are hungry they will eat it. I have also seen people feeding them frozen Formula II with success (algae sheets are cheaper)