Reef Parameters?


Alright guys, I think I am finally on the right track with my 55 reef.
As of today my readings are...
(Instant Ocean ReefMaster Test Kit + Aquarium Pharmecuticals Saltwater Kit)
pH- 8.0
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 10 (They were 40 this morning but after a 10% wc I think I have them undercontrol)
Calcium- 345 (still dosing Purple Up daily to raise)
Phosphate- .10
Alk- 3 meq/L
Does this look right? The tank has about 10lbs of mature liverock and 3 cups of sand from my other tank. That makes about 55+ lbs rock total and 40 lbs sand. It has like 26x + turnover, skimmer, and canister filter.
When do you guys think I could transfer my two clowns from my old tank?


Parameters are O.K. for fish but I would get your calcium and PH/Alk under control before you start adding corals/inverts. Your PH at 8.0 and your Alk. at 3.0 is on the low side, and dosing that purple-up to raise your calcium will drop those 2 as calc. has an adverse effect on PH/alk. Really before you put any kind of livestock in the new tank, I would solve that problem first. What kind of saltmix are you using? Also, I would wait 18-24 hours before testing any parameters for an accurate reading..
SG being my only acception


I am not quite sure what the saltmix is, I buy it from the my LFS. I have an RO system but I only use it for topping the tank off because its so much more convienent. I do all my water changes with the LFS water.
How would I got about raising my pH/Alk?


A saltmix is the salt that you mix with the water to do a water change. Although it is much easier to just get the water from your LFS, I can assure you it will be much easier on your wallet in the long run if you mix it yourself..
With a good saltmix I've never had to use purple-up or any PH/alk buffers, IMO its much more safe to just buy a good saltmix than putting all those additives into your tank! Get yourself a rubbermaid bin and a small powerhead (unless you mix by hand) put in RO or RO/DI water and mix the salt in, test SG and dump in the tank.... its that easy. Im sure over time it will pay for itself!


Alright sounds good. What brand do you reccomend? And will it harm anything in the tank if I were to switch brands?


I've been using SeaChem Reef Crystals for as long as I can remember with amazing results. Tropic Marine ProReef is a great saltmix as well, but i've heard that Instant Ocean makes a decent mix but usually lacks a bit in the calcium dept... Hope that helps, and remember to give your DT 18-24 hours before testing your parameters, otherwise you stand a good chance of getting a false reading
Just make sure and check the SG before you go ahead and dump the mixed water into your display. Good Luck!