Reef Ready????


Can someone explain to me the difference between the way that this guy drilled his tank for the water to drain into the sump through the back wall and a "reef ready tank", that has a overflow in it but drilled in the bottom? Is there a reason why "reef ready" tanks don't come like the way this guy did his?
I am getting a new tank and like the "No overflow" box look but am scared there will be problems.



Active Member
Nothing wrong with that, looks good. Most LFS systems drain thru the back. Just have to make sure theres anti-siphon provided incase of power failure.


Active Member
Yep no problem at all, in fact some of the "custom" tank Manf. are doing external overflow boxes so there are no overflow boxes inside the aquarium, very cool. I hate overflow boxes in my aquarium.
If it were me though I would get some black pvc and then paint the back of the tank black so the you don't have bright white pvc on the back of the tank.


Active Member
Shouldn't be a problem like the pic at all......I think what your referring to is people having problems with HOB overflows?


If he turned those elbows down, wouldnt that drain act as a dorso stand pipe? My main concern with this design is gurgling and the amount of drainage flow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HansGruber
If he turned those elbows down, wouldnt that drain act as a dorso stand pipe? My main concern with this design is gurgling and the amount of drainage flow.
Either way it's possible you could create a whirlpool affect at the elbows, but a way to eliminate the gurgling sound and what a durso stand pipe incorporates is and air adjustment valve.....Some simply drill holes in the cap and can rotate the cap to adjust the air flow, and I used an air valve that I can adjust the air mix to make it easier, that way I didn't have to tinker and toy with hole size......JMO. Take a look at the riser pipe on the back side of the tank.....All that would be need is an air adjustment means and you would virtually have a durso


Active Member
For a true durso I would need to be turned down, but it would work just the same IMO upside down, but still might get the gurgling affect???????
I think 3/4 would really restrict things IMO......If space is a problem you might want to look at the stockman pipes instead