Reef Safe Dwarf Angelfish???


Is there such a thing as a reef safe dwarf angelfish? I like to get one but if I have to choose between angel and corals I rather the corals. Any suggestions. I like the flame, coral beauty and bi-color.


Active Member
You pays your money and you takes your chances. Some people have no problems while others curse themselves for getting one in the first place.
I think I read of more problems than successes though. That is not a scientific statement as I have not been keeping track but I don't read many posts that say they have not had a problem. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is NYCBOB. He has a flame in his beautiful reef tank.


Active Member
i asked a similar question multiple times on this forum and some have said that pygmy angels (cherub, flameback) are most likely not to nip. idk if thats 100% true or not though.


Your best bet would be the bicolored angel or coral beauty. I have had success with flames in 2 different tanks, but other posts on the board have had issues with flame angels.


whatever you do steer clear of lemonpeels. their pretty blue eyes suggest innocence but they are a holy terror in a reef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
i asked a similar question multiple times on this forum and some have said that pygmy angels (cherub, flameback) are most likely not to nip. idk if thats 100% true or not though.
Pygmy angle! As everyone has heard many times I always suggest this fish.


Active Member
hard to make guarantee in this hobby. the best chance r the cherub, flame and cb. the bi-color, i dont hv experience with it. it also depends on the corals u hv. most of these angels listed above, even if not reef-safe, eat only sps or brain corals. if u r willing to sacrifice a few corals, then its fine to add one. get a real small one to begin with, sicne it hasnt acquired any bad habits yet.


Active Member
A bicolor is a bad choice. Members of the argi complex are the best bet; Cherub, flameback, etc..
Coral beauties and flames are a crap shoot.


I have a cherub angel in my 55 reef . The key is to have lots of LR for him.It keeps him from getting into trouble with my coral.

tank a holic

Active Member
I'm with spanko on this one, you get 100 angels, 50 are bad 50 are good
I have heard alot that younger (smaller) will better your chances but I dont buy it, they will or they won't IMO
personally I'd take the chance, ask the LFS in advance if you can bring it back if it doesn't work out


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic
I'm with spanko on this one, you get 100 angels, 50 are bad 50 are good
I have heard alot that younger (smaller) will better your chances but I dont buy it, they will or they won't IMO
personally I'd take the chance, ask the LFS in advance if you can bring it back if it doesn't work out
hv u ever tried to catch a small fish without breaking down ur tank?


New Member
Tried catching a Picasso Trigger in a 65g, the fish was only 3 inches. Took me 45 minutes and 75% of my rock was dissembled.

tank a holic

Active Member
there's deffinately an are to catching the little guys lol
I had a purple psuedo and MAN he was hard to catch
I just left the net in the tank for 3 days till he got used to it, then built a trap and cought him
took a while cause he fit in the rocks so good. I'd still take the chance on the angel though JMO
Angels are never really reef safe, however some are better than others. I personally have a Potters and a Flame angel and have no issues.