Reef Safe ICK Medicine?


hi i noticed one of my percs have small ick on them. they are doing fine and eating still but i want to cure it. I don't have a QT tank right now. Is there any REEF SAFE Ick Medicine? Or maybe anything else i can try? I want to get rid of this asap before it gets worse. i do have inverts in the tank so i'm thinking the regular reef medicine will not work. thanks in advance!


Active Member
i suggest feeding thera+A non medicated anti-paresitc formula pellets by spectrum 3-4 times daily also direct dosing of garlic extreme and selcon to your tank water daily will also improve their health pm feedings should be your normal foods (preferably frozen prepaired designed) for each of your species you keep.soaked in 2 drops garlic extreme and 1 mil selcon.this is what i do if my fish show signs.


thanks for the reply.
i feed spectrum +A in the morning. so i should do this 3-4 times a day? in the pm i always feed prime reef. i'll give them some brine shrimp as a treat twice a month or so. as far as garlic i haven't done that yet. which garlic supplement to get? kent? i'll try all that. i have a cleaner shrimp but i have yet to see the shrimp clean any of the clowns. maybe at night? they're still eating and swimming and very active.


i have been having sucess with running a UV
my coral beauty had ich, i put him in QT hypo and the spots dissapeared in about 2-3 days.
i left my other fish in the display and added a Turbotwist UV (60 gal/hr flow). i had a few spots on my strawberry pseudochromis for about 3 days in the DT and now nothing. i also have a cleaner shrimp, he cleaned the angel but i havent seen him clean the others (chromis, maroon clown, bi-color blenny, pseudochromis). i hear they do lots of cleaning at night. i also dosed with garlic and vitimins.
garlic: 2 drops in food every day, and 10 drops a day in tank during the first week of ich
vitimins : 5 drops in with food, and 1 cap full a day in tank during the frist week of ich
i hear neon gobies also clean.
in a few days (14 days at hypo) im going to start bringing up the salinity of the angel and return him to the display. fingers crossed.
the worst part of hypo is catching the fish.


yeah i think it will be hard to catch the fish. at least clownfish don't hide in the rockwork. i'll try the garlic and vitamin treatments for now. hopefully it will go away. i wish i setup a QT when i started but unfortunately i don't have space for one. thanks for the tips!!!


i did just garlic and vitimins and cleaner shrimp at first but didnt help much
things really started looking better after i got the coral beauty into hypo and the UV installed.
i think a really slow flow rate through the UV helps.


I did the Garlic Extreme and Spectrum Thera +A 4x/Day. All the ick is now gone from my clowns. worked like a charm. Everything is good now.
Can ick attach to glass? i noticed white spots on the glass. i know the ick is probably still in the tank/water but if i keep my fishes' immunity up and not let them get overstressed they should be fine rite?
Thanks to unleashed and sombra for your advice!!! really helped alot!!!