Reef Safe Ick Treatment....


It actually works!! The spots are leaving off of the fish ammonia level is now at 0!:) I have to do a 20% water change in 2 days, but I went and bought 30g of distilled water to have on hand. Everything looks great and the coraline algae is starting to come back.

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmmm...sounds like a great product!!!! Curious about the situation in your reef and the "miricle product" that is eliminating Ick and restoring coraline...not to mention reduce ammonia!!!!
Personally I think the best ick prevention is a long quarentine procedure "prior" to adding specimans that could introduce the parasite. That way I can safely avoid intervention via chemicals and/or removing infected specimans.:D


Well my tank had been running for 3yrs and when I made the move the algae that was on the glass had completely went away, but it is now coming back. I'm still using all of the reef supplements and they are completely safe to use with Chem-Marin. (it's copper free) :D


Active Member
Coralgryl you make an interesting point. Quarentine is a great way to avoid infestations when adding new animals, but what of the outbreak due to other stressors such as moving the tank, power outages and such. It's nice to know that there might be products out there to help in case the unexpected happens.
I may have missed a previous thread. What did you use? And, Congratulations!


Just FYI:
Saltwaterfish has the Kent brand called RX P and it does the same thing! You should go look at it.