Originally Posted by susieq
I'm a little confused about the term reef safe. Does that mean the animal won't bother corals only? or that inverts are safe? I have a clown, lawnmower blenny, royal gramma, pencil urchin, purple urchin, peppermint shrimp and scarlet crabs. Does this qualify as FOWLR? (I have live rock)
I'm not sure I'd call that a "fish only" (FOWLR), myself. I think anytime you start getting lots of inverts in there (beyond a basic cleanup crew), you're moving away from "fish only" and in the general direction of "reef," even if the lack of corals keeps it from being a true reef. Somewhere in the middle, let's say. The key distinction to me is the relative sensitivity of inverts versus fish to changes in water parameters, etc. Just my opinion, though...