reef setup substrate


I was told yesterday that having a sandbed was more trouble than good in a reef setup and i was under the impression a good sandbed was a good thing


Active Member
I had the absolute privilege last night to go see the most beautiful reef tank here in Iowa. This guy has a 210 gallon sps/lps tank in his house. Stoneynut would have a hay day at this guys tank. the reason for posting this was, he did not have a substrate, he used a thin grating on the base, no I guess it really is a matter of opinion and maintnence.. :notsure:


I like the way the light refracts off white substrate. I think you get the most light this way. I guess if you could keep the bottom polished up like a mirror it would be ok.


well the guy who was telling me this siad and i'm sure he was just trying to sell me an acrylic tank that nitrates will build up really bad blah blah blah i didn't take his word for as i do know a little about nitrates i've got plenty of them LMAO
but i just thought i'd throw this poll in here to see if anyone supported his idea's which i more than figured it was pesonal choice i guess the thing with substrate is you would have to clean more. Like i said i didn't take this guy as an expert in anyway