Reef Shots...coming along

My tank is coming along and I'm finding myself sitting on my ottoman just staring at my tank... love being back in this hobby.
Front shot:

Right corner shot:
Originally Posted by ChaoticDamsel
I was thinking the same thing. My 14 gallon was set up the day before ReiferMadness' tank and it doesn't look near that good yet.

Aww.. it will come along. I bet it looks great. Where's pics?
Thank you for the nice words everyone. I have my wife to thank. I swear that woman can not walk into our LFS without heading back to the coral and frags area. I will literally be looking at items and I'll walk back there and she'll have the guy up on the bench pointing out... "I want that one, that one, that one. Oh and look, I want that one!" - So as I go back I have to explain..uh, honey we came here for DI water."
BUT I will give her this, ANYTIME I say I need something... her first words are "okay"
My emerald made an appearance tonight and my corals bloomed out a little more (I had just moved them around before taking last night's pics)
So without further ado...

Tonight's full:


I have had my tank for 8 months now...just started corals in the 225g....I can not believe you have had that tank a little over a month and it looks so good....what are you doing????Did you buy the corals that big?
Originally Posted by meowzer
I have had my tank for 8 months now...just started corals in the 225g....I can not believe you have had that tank a little over a month and it looks so good....what are you doing????Did you buy the corals that big?
Out of all of my corals 90% of them were all purchased large. There are a couple of frags in there so that they'll grow up all nice and fat but yes, I did buy the majority of them large.
Now, that being said... they are growing and expanding so I'm just doing diligent water changes, parameter checks, added a skimmer and provided the best lighting that I could find and studied my butt off on this forum to find out what I should be doing.


New Member
well i wish i had a girl that was that into this hobby. my girlfriend goes straight to the dog section and never comes close to the fish and coral tanks.
i have noticed that the more i put into my tank, the more she gets into the hobby though
Originally Posted by SJohnson13
well i wish i had a girl that was that into this hobby. my girlfriend goes straight to the dog section and never comes close to the fish and coral tanks.
i have noticed that the more i put into my tank, the more she gets into the hobby though
You know my wife was the same way. But the further I got into it years ago and with me getting the urge to start another tank she was super supportive and wanted to help with anything she could. In the 75g and the 110g it was "Eric's tank" but now she actually loves it and is always suggesting corals or products for it.
She'll get there, give her time.


All I ever hear from my husband is "it's your tank, whatever you think" Man all I ever want is an opinion on how something looks....Although, I have to say. Due to the size of my tank I DO need hubby's help A LOT...I can't reach the bottom (it's 30" deep)
Well, it's been awhile but I wanted to update the group on my tank. The tank is now 10 months old and things have gone well. I had to do a complete service on the tank last Sunday and I wanted to make sure that I kept all of my chemicals and SW the right levels.