reef spider?


Hi i was looking at my frag tank and I saw this little bugger. He seems to have eight legs and i am totally disgusted by him. i have a small case of arachnaphobia and everytime I stick my hand in the tank now I am almost afraid that it will latch on(which I know it wont)
please tell me he is benificial or that I can get rid of him(because I reeeealy want to but I wont if he isn't harming anything).
here are some pics... sorry my camera does not do closeup verywell

no flash

:notsure: harial


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I can't tell from the pics, but it sounds like a tiny starfish.
thats what it looks like to me too


It is most defnitley not a starfish. I have seen the little fiend walk around.
i just caught him with a turkey baster and dumped him into a bowl. If he is okay I will put him back inthe tank.

the lines inthe back are lined paper so that should give you an idea as to his size

any help would be good


Active Member
ew that is so gross! i dont know what it is but i would not put it back into my tank! :scared: :scared: :scared:


I just found this info on "Sea Spiders"
Sea spiders are classified in the phylum Arthropoda and the class Pycnogonida. Pycnogonids are spider-like in their appearance and hence the name "sea spider". They are quite common in the marine environment but you need a keen and careful eye to spot them. Most sea spiders are 1 to 10 mm in length but some deepwater species in Antarctica can have a leg span up to 90cm! Sea spiders are found throughout the worlds oceans, in a variety of habitats, ranging from the intertidal to the subtidal. You can find some sea spiders on rocks and dock pilings around hydroids and bryozoans. Many sea spiders are carnivores and feed on hydroids,
soft corals,
anemones, bryozoans, small polychaetes, and sponges, but some species will also eat algae.
I added the flames. I had noticed them on my zoos and also heve lost over a dozen of my teal polyps. this little devil might be the culprit!!!
as always opinions are welcome