reef sun 50/50


Are these good lights for lr to thrive to , i just bought them , hoping they will be an upgrade from the basic came with the tank , oh i also have actinic to , i just use the actinic for 2 hours , then the reef sun for 8 then the actinic for 2 again , then nothing for 12 hours


I think Oceanist meant for the corraline algae to thrive/grow with, right?
What specifics does the packaging say about the reefsun 50/50?
Do you only run the actinics for 4 hours total? I have mine come on before my PC lights, but keep them on until after the PC lights go off. Is that what you meant?


yeah , the thing is i have a timer on my lights but i dont have dual compacts , it only holds one bulb so i have to change the bulbs after the 2 hours , its a pain in the ass but its what i have to do till i get the money to just buy dual PC,s i was thinking about going to home depot and getting a PC, fixture for 30 bucks then just make my own cover , but to get back on subject yes i do mean for coraline and algea and what not ,
The specs are 50/50 Combo of 6500k Trichromatic day light phosfphor and actinic 420 phosphor in the same lamp ??? Provides high intensity full spectrum illumination strong in the short wave length blue region essentail for photosynthises corals and inverts. thats all it really says ,. And about the actinic lights being on for 4 hours should it be more or less or it that fine ??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanist
i mean so sponges will grow to thier maximum
Also no lighting requirements.


15 watts is pretty minimal lighting. If it were me, I wouldn't bother with changing a bulb out twice per day. I'd leave one bulb in until I could get 2 fixtures and use 2 timers.
Corraline can take a while to grow. I've read other threads suggesting you use a brand new toothbrush and brush the corraline you currently have. The brushing will release spores and help it spread more quickly.