Reef Tank and LR


Originally Posted by CoralDude
I would be careful adding LR after corals. The die off could cause an ammonia spike that could be catastrophic, depending on how much LR and the quality. As far as how much LR to add, it's all a matter of personal preference. Sure, the more you have the more surface area for bacteria, pods, etc... but you already have plenty for your bio filter. I personally like alot of LR, I've got 95 lbs. in my 55 Gal. Unless you are wanting multiple Mandrins or a huge bio load, 80 lbs. should be fine.
I think for now I will just add 25 - 30 lbs, and make certain that it is fully cured. Adding that amount will get me to 80 lbs and I think will make the tank look that much better. The store that I am getting them from is very reputable, will fully cure the rock for me, and is close enough where it will arrive the following morning. How much flow do you have in your 55?