Reef tank as of 10/2/03

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice looking system! You've got a sweet collection of corals...lots of color and diversity.:cool:
I'm not a member of the tang police(I keep a 3"-4" hippo in my 55)...but you do know you may have issues with tangs in such a small display. There are folks that will object to any tang in a 55 display...but my hippo has been fine for about 6 months now(I do have plans for a larger display and should have it established and developed long before mine gets too large) I kept a yellow in my 58 gal fish only for well over two years until he met a very unexpected death. Just wanted to mention that there are legitimate concerns about keeping tangs in smaller systems...but I'm betting you know that huh...;)

I wish you continued success and keep us posted...I always like a treat for my eye candy addiction!!

nm reef

Active Member
By the way...that walkin' dude is my impression of a member of the tang police comin' over to raise some cain about tangs in anything less than the ocean they were born in!!!
Just jokin' folks...don't take me too seriously!!!


Active Member
I thought the "Walking Dude' was an OREO cookie coming to take his revenge on the milkman...:D


Active Member
what a fantastic tank!
What are you feeding your tangs? They look so healthy and colourful! I would really like to know!