Reef tank as of 10/9/03

never heard of austin aquarium. Where is that? i go to Aquatek.
By the way, worked in DHS right out of college and I bought a house right behind Dell off of Gattis School road. What division are you in?
Burnet road across from North Cross Mall
Dell- Howard Ln production


The second one looks to be an encrusting leather or fuzzy colt.I have seen it sold by both names.I too have one in my tank.


Active Member
Just a warning. I counted 10 fish in there. Two one day large tangs and 2 different types of clowns. I personally think 10 fish in a 55 is to many as well as 2 tangs. I would try and ditch one tang and one type of clown to make everyone happy. Other than that nice tank. I remember you inherited this? Hope you can keep it nice :) Btw the first i agree with jauringer, elephant skin.


Active Member
i think un id'ed coral number1 is a pachyseris, number tw olooks like a capnella, and three is a trachyphyllia...the pachyseris and porites are going ot have a hard time under pc's and will need heavy calcium supplementation!
good luck


Active Member
I think #1 is an elephant skin or elephant knee .... (i think someone else said this).
How do the Clarkii Clown and the Pecula get along??


Active Member
i have 2 percies and a clarkii.. and they dont borther each other... my blue hippo and my clarkii swim together.. seemingly all day