Reef Tank Cleanup Crew



how big should my cleanup crew be for my 38gallon reef. Right now i have 8 hermits mixed of scarlet and blue leg. Then i also have 4 astria, one turbo and 2 bumble bee snails. For some reason i just dont see this is enough or maybe it is. Should i add anything else. Looking for the best type of sand cleaner. Was thinkin about adding a queen conch. Please give me suggestions.


I read some where that for every 1 gallon of water you should have 1 snail or 1 crab.
The mix depends on the algea growth, more algae on the sides of the tank, more snails.
That just my opinion


I'm no expert but from everywhere i've read and seen the usual clean up crew seems to be in the ball park of 1 to 1.5 times the gallons in the tank. so 40 snails and hermits would seem to be the logical answer. And that's 40 total of the snails and hermits added together, but i'm sure you can have more as long as there's enough food for them, you can always put dried seaweed sheets in the tank if there isn't enough food.
EDIT: You beat me to it by a few seconds.


Active Member
dont forget people that its the quality of theclean up crew not just numbers. the clean up crew will also add to your bioload. they may clean up waste but they also create it... i know for a fact a fighting conch can do the job of 10 snails or 10 hermits. a sally lightfoot crab can also do the job of 10 hermits. (and alot funner to watch)....quality not always quantity


How much LR and Ls do you have?
In my 36g, i have about a 3 inch sand bed and 50 lbs of lr. I have about 20 hermits, 10 turbos and 5 nassarius. The hermits and turbos seem perfect for my amount of LR. I couls use 6-8 more nassarius though.


i have roughly 40-45lbs of lr in there right now. I think im going to definitely go with the queen conch maybe some more snails and hermits. I will do what you say i will add some good quality cleaners about 40 total. I also wanted to know about a starfish. How are they at cleaning and are they good to have in the tank. if so which ones would be the best for a reef and that wont affect my other tank mates.


I would suggest at least 10 mexican turbo snails to keep the glass clean. After all, you're looking through the glass all the time! They eat more algae than any other snails I have owned. I agree with the recommendation about a conch too. He would come in second in terms of constant grazing and cleaning the floor. The hermits (zebra, scarlet, red, even a green one) mainly each algae from the live rock. I don't see my emerald crab much. Stays hidden. The brittle star also stays hidden all the time. Very rarely do I see his arms out from under a rock. I can't really tell whether any of my shrimps are eating algae, seem to be mainly scavenging.


a list could be helpful if anyone wouldnt mind leaving a list of what i should get and how many.


Active Member
sand sifting stars are not worth the trouble......these "sand sifting" stars are sold as sand cleaners ..the real truth is that they are actually meat eaters and unless spot fed or other ways they will perish....i learned the hard way.....brittle stars are filter feeders and will reproduce quickly in systems.

snails are great for rock surfaces and glass
conches are ecellent for sand
sally's are great for sand ( i used shrimp pellets to keep him well satisfied.)
hermits will get rock and other sand surfaces clean of decay and such.
in a 55 i would definately have a sally a conch 20 snails and 10 hermits.