Reef Tank Experiment - No Protein Skimming


Hi Everyone:
I Have embarked on a journey few will take. I'm going to attempt to start a full scale reef tank (sps, lps, softies, inverts)with just a refugium system.
I'll update you guys twice a month with pics and a status of how the tank is doing:
Tank Specs:
180 Gal - Custom Design w/ two overflows
45 Gal refugium- Live Sand & Miracle Mud & Fuge Creatures
One Fuge custom built System
Live Rock
No mechanical
return : mag 2400 Pump 2200 Gph
powerheads: via aqua 3600 - 1000 gph
Calcium Supp:
B-ionic Calcium Buffer System - ESV - every day
Neilisen Reactor -PM -using EVS KALK - Top-off hook-up to a float switch - dosed by aqua-medic dosing pump
Reef Advantage Calcium - twice Bi Weekly
Reef Builder - twice bi weekly(If needed)
Water Supply - Kent Max deluxe ro/di filter
4 160 watt uri bulbs - ice cap ballast(2)
MH - Coming Soon
Nite Light - Coming soon
Temperature Control -
1 50 watt heater
1/2hp chiller Pacific coast -coming soon
Water Parms
Coming Soon - Don't have all the tests yet.
Tank Status:
So far the tank has been cycling for two months. I have added various sandbed critters to handle detritus. Coralline
algae(orange, red, purple, green) is growing pretty well and sucking up all my calcium supplements.
Live Stock: Date status
One Yellow tang med - 4/07/04 Living
One Blue Regal med - 4/15/04 MIA
One clown false tiny - 4/15/04 Living
tiny soft frag ? - 4/15/04 starting to open a little-Living
clump ball sponge - 3/15/04 Still Bright Orange ?
sand sifter star - 4/15/04 doesn't like the sand-Living
I don't Have much info yet
Hopefully every thing will work out.
Pic middle Section:
Future Out Look:
Next Week My shipment of corals are coming in and Chiller


Not much going on yet.
Waiting for the chiller to come so I can get it on.:nope:
for pic
one 10k, one actinic
camara 1.3 pix (nothing much):


We had a big thread on that yesterday; I'm going to try and revisit that again. They almost had me shot. However, I'm trying
to open up my system to allow a more natural approach to the hobby. I don't want skimming to take out all the good stuff out
the water. I feel that skimming strips the water column. After stripping the water you have to add all different types of
additives. These additive by products further fouls the water causing you to go bigger on your protein skimmer. I have seen
skimmers taller and wider than people. The more skimming you do, the more additives you need to add.
my hypothesis in a nutshell
I don't knock skimming. People have perfect tanks using all types of different filtration techniques.


I think its great that you are doing this! Especially the fact that you are using a 180g tank for a experiment!
Keep us up to date. I would have a hard time leaving my skimmer, but it would nice to show people if done correctly, you can do different ways.


yeah, this is a sweet embarkment...goodluck...I'd totally like to see how it goes
my 20gal has been living of a skilter uhm..there is basically no skimmer here either..and I've had no problems..corals are some amazing pod populations ect ect....and I've managed to beat my algae good so far
but best of luck...I'm interested in seeing the success of this


dhraako - you have amazing pod population because you have excess nutrients in your system for them to feed on (no skimmer)


New Member
Hey my first post. Just found this message board.
I've been skimmerless on my tank for about a year now. It broke and I never replaced it. Up until that point I had used a skimmer on all my reef tanks (for about 13 yrs) because that was the accepted and proven thing to do in the hobby, and it worked!
Well, my reef tank never skipped a beat. I also have no refugium, because I don't have the room.
There is one caviot to this which I think is important. I enjoy keeping lots of macroalgaes in with my mixed corals. I like plants as much as corals, and I enjoy the challenge of keeping them together in my tank. All of my macralgaes/plants are great nutrient exporters, which I need in the absence of a skimmer, and a refugium.


sure, if you want a nutrient rich water column so you can keep plants, sponges, feather dusters, or other filter feeders then this may not be that bad of an idea.
however, if you are trying to achieve pristine water conditions, this is not a good idea IMO.


Nice Tank chiton
Were did you get all those plants from. I would like some.

...the most detrimental being removal of trace elements that readily adhere to the bubbles. Use-ful bacteria and suspended plankton are also removed.
For Those who have both a fug and skimmer:
Skimming Also removes the natural by-products that Caulerpa adds to the water to help protect and keep the fish healthy

....There is also evidence that in good lighting Caulerpa hastens the oxidation of catabolites. Phycocollides are also produced, which are large non-crystalline molecules that are often referred to as seaweed gums. These are similar to the ingredients used in water conditioners for aquaria and when introduced to the water a thin sticky emulsion results, which acts as a coating agent.
These emulsions are called colloides, which, since they diffuse easily through living tissue, can protect fish from skin and gill disorders.

Update I found my blue tang he was hiding for the whole day.
I thought I experience my first lost.


interesting insite on the pod population..thnx! :)
that would also explaiun why it took forever to get my algae problem under control...which it is now
in addition I do a 5-10 percent water change every week so that helps I'm sure


Im not going refute what you think Lestregus.
That is why I'm doing this experiement. Open up your mind.
Everything is not written in stone. There is no one book on this hobby.
There are many ways to skin a cat.



New Member
PHP Code:
however, if you are trying to achieve pristine water conditions, this is not a good idea IMO.
Can you elaborate on this...
Why would you not want nutrient rich water in a reeftank, regardless of what corals, plants, filter feeders etc... you are keeping?


oh sure there are, i'm not meaning to ruffle any feathers...
but, trace elements are replaced by water changes.
beneficial bacteria is removed but not enough to make a difference in over all population.
suspended plankton is one of the things that i am trying to remove
i don't use caulerpa because of the risk of going sexual.
i would just hate to see someone decide to not use a skimmer without knowing what they are getting themselves into.


New Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
chiton... i think your xenia are doing some of your "skimmer" work for ya.. .tank looks great.. congrats

:D :D Ooops, did I not mention the xenia. Right you are! That stuff gets wacked in my tank on a weekly basis to keep it in check.