Reef Tank Experiment - No Protein Skimming

nm reef

Active Member
I think that the system set up as described in the origional post has a very good chance of being a well established/stable...and in time mature reef. There may be some limitations in regard to coral selection...but I'd bet the end product is a sweet reef. I wish you the best of luck...and seriously...keep us posted as it develops.
Now why did I say that...well I agree there are numerous ways to establish and maintain a reef....the only problem I have with the plan...strictly on a personal preference the lack of a skimmer. I've run my old 55 skimmerless for about a year and after purchasing a EuroReef for it I've been much more pleased with the results. You definitely have a well thought out and designed plan....and I do agree...lots of folks have success without skimmers.
I also prefer "not" to have much in the way of either micro or macro algaes growing in my experience has been that the display simply looks much better without algaes. I do have some here and there from time to the past I've battled valonia as well as brysopsis and assorted hair algaes. But I've found that with natural predators...a algae filled refugium to compete for nutrients...quality water source...and a skimmer its possible to maintain control over algaes inside the display. I just don't like the appearence of algaes dominating the display....and that may just be me.
Good luck with your project and keep us posted on its progress.


i think what your doing is a great thing. especially for reef setups. now for aggressive setup i think im gonna stick with a skimmer for a while. im planing on doing a reef in the near future. i have an aggressive now. i have to clean my protein skimmer often.
i love the idea of creating a actuall habitat like your doing. best of luck and keep us posted.


To NM reef :
Thanks !
If all else fail I have cpr 240ev ready for action! Thanks every one for all the advice
that is why I like this message board. I'll keep every one posted even if I fail. Education from this is more valuable than anything.


Chiton finally I found someone who has Caulerpa Verticillata either than just popped up in my tank one day and killed all my hair algae as it took its place..although I have its growth under control as well
just this algae benificial? is it bad....
what does it do if anything? ... neet little algae...uses streamers,..and man they get thick


Active Member
I have a couple skimmerless tanks... I agree with Kip in that a low bio-load is crucial. I have also had great success keeping goniopora and elegance long term as well (18 months for each now). I strongly believe that not using a skimmer aids in the survival of these species. I have kept some sps as well... mainly just pocilipora and montipora digitatas, nothing real special. Of course I think refugiums are extremely important for a skimmerless tank as well (actually I think it is a must for a thriving skimmerless tank but thats a different topic). The other thing I would like to point out is that I think some people can do harm in doing too many water changes for the idea to replace all the "trace elements." Salt mixes typically contain trace elements much higher than NSW, and can become toxic since they won't be "trace" if the concentration is too high, and the demand normally isn't. I have had the best results with a water change about 4-5 weeks, and pruning the caleurpa prolifera about 3 times a month. Here is an article about the different salt mixes.


New Member

Originally posted by dhraako
Chiton finally I found someone who has Caulerpa Verticillata either than just popped up in my tank one day and killed all my hair algae as it took its place..although I have its growth under control as well
just this algae benificial? is it bad....
what does it do if anything? ... neet little algae...uses streamers,..and man they get thick

I've only met a few reeferes on other boards that have this macro. It popped up one day out of a Florida live rock, and consumed about 2 square inches in my tank. Once it grew up against some pulsing zenia it just stopped. It's been the same size for about a year now, as the two are still at a standoff.
I remember one reefer claimed this macro was growing out of control around his corals and he was trying to eradicate it from his tank. I've never had any problem with it in my tank. I'd definitely keep a close eye on it. Caulerpa species seem to have really fast growing sperts that can be hard to keep up with.
Good luck,


lol fast growing ain't the word in my like took over a majority of my rocks..I removed it from all except a few of rock with xenia all over it is covered in the you may just get lucky :) .. and from my one rock which only started from a small amount it has spread the rock beside I'll toothbrush those soon....I have noticed though..once its gone it tends not to come back to the areas I remove it I wanna get rid of most of that macro because I have another species of macro coming in that I like..I'd like it to eat the nutrients since I can make money off of selling it :thinking:


Sorry for the stupid question, but what is verticillata? I'm not too good on the sci. names. Grape, feather, etc. are what I understand. Thanks in advance.


New Member

Originally posted by rwhite
Sorry for the stupid question, but what is verticillata? I'm not too good on the sci. names. Grape, feather, etc. are what I understand. Thanks in advance.

It's not a very common type of Caulerpa.
dhraako may have a better pic


lol not so much anymore...I'm trying to get a digi cam to take some pics
but this morning I wetn and toothbrushed a bunch of it off :)
as for pics on the net..there isn't much of that algae form..Chtion you actually have the best pic of ever seen of it