reef tank fish list. can you guys rate it?


i see these tiny white powder-like particles floating all around my aquarium. Would they be considered copepods? or are copepods only attached to glass?
[ August 04, 2001: Message edited by: vince ]


No Vince, copepods look like little white bugs scurrying around on your rock and in your substrate. I keep my magnetic algae scraper im my tank and the love to hide in it. If I take off the outside magnet, about 20 of these guys start running around. I've even seen a tiny white brittle star hanging out in it, must have been hunting the copepods. You'll know when you see one and it will rock your world when you realize there is so much more life happening in your tank. The fish are just a side show to keep vistors from asking you why you have a glass box filled with rocks and water in your house! :p
I posted a question earlier this week to find out what Neon Gobies eat, and everybody said flake food and brine shrimp. Since my gobie doesn't even look twice at formula 1&2 or frozen brine, I started watching him closer. When I added a new piece of LR in the tank earlier this week, he was the first one on it, having a blast hunting the pods. I breathed a huge sigh of relief after witnessing this behavior, because I now know my little friend will be around for awhile.


i have a flame angel in my 55gal and he is very healthy. If your gonna get one make sure it is eating at the store. Mine was at the store for three weeks and i saw it eat many times. Have the store hold it for you and see it eat more than once. Many dont live due to the ways they are caught.


i don't think i have any.
would adding calcium to my water dramatically increaase the amount of copepods in my water?