Reef Tank Health seems to be declining or not advancing. Please help


Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/387383/reef-tank-health-seems-to-be-declining-or-not-advancing-please-help#post_3408540
LOL guys....I'm going to toss my carbon, sorry SJgsm but you didn't give me enough of a reason to accept your methods as wisdom. Cichlids are so hardy I don't think reused carbon would mean anything.

I had African cichlids, I hated them. Thay are hands down the prettiest brightest colored freshwater fish....they remind me of damsels, another beautiful evil little fish. LOL...I think Oscars only die of old age, because nothing kills them..

..... I take that as a shot at me, and I'm sorry but I don't appreciate it. 30+ 5" cichlids in a 20gallon tank (150" of fish, that eat like hogs with no clean up crew other than a carbon filter and a pleco...) Imagine just how much nutrients is involved in even feeding that many fish. I guess cichlids would be impossible to kill with insane levels of ammonia,nitrites,and nitrates ey? I'm pretty sure that carbon would then be stocked full enough of garbage that it would be releasing it like wildfire and no longer doing any other sort of filtration.... Fact of the matter is I explained to you that I have used the same carbon bag for "many years" probably 4+ YEARS to be more precise.... This bag was ran 4+ years and pulled out almost a cup of bleach ,as well as coral cleaner,and even SOAP from a 10 gallon nano cube in a matter of days about 2 months ago. Then to have it be rinsed and reused in the same tank that is now housing pods (pods were the first thing to die when bleach was introduced) ,starfish, a mandarin,chaeto, an accidentally mushroom, and now coralline. All this without a SINGLE WATER CHANGE and the only filtration being 10lbs of liverock,a sponge,and the carbon (everything is doing wonderfully as well.) Sounds to me as if it has released none of the toxins it should have built up. Shouldn't it be full by now and with such coral/fish KILLING chemicals? To be honest I do not care as to what you choose with yours but don't act in a manner as to calling me out for my "wisdom." You came off rude to me and I don't care for it. Your the reason I rarely post on these boards as you have nothing better to do but to take unnecessary shots at people. Ttrying to call out somebodies wisdom... Especially, when your the one chucking out carbon and I am still using mine and it is apparently doing its job.. "LOL" to you on wasting good carbon...
If you wanted to say you were going to stick to your method as it works for you then that would have been fine. You rather took it more than one step too far by acting as if you had more wisdom than I. none the less, "Lol guys..." what was the intention of this? To make it clear to everyone else that you were right and I am wrong? I just don't understand how somebody can even talk like that to somebody else. It may seem harmless but you have to realize that some people do not like to be talked to in a certain way. As in I would have never talked to you like that especially when I was nothing but kind to you.


Well-Known Member
A show tank is a type of tank. There's a 90g which is typically short and five foot long... or there's a 90g show tank which is 4 foot long, 12" wide and 30 or so inches tall... A really tall tank with a really large view is a "show" tank. I really like show tanks over traditional aquariums. I like the 110g show the best... it's 4 foot wide, 18" wide and 30+ inches tall. :D
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///t/387383/reef-tank-health-seems-to-be-declining-or-not-advancing-please-help#post_3408417
off topic

hey snake is a show tank just ur "show" tank...kinda like ur pride and joy? Wat makes a tank a show tank? Guess thats wat im asking?
Just curious...ive heard people say it before...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's quite a chore. It usually takes my whole arm up to the arm pit to reach certain areas. I usually use a long scooper or grabber to make any changes.


lol I would believe it! Are you careful about wearing deodorant lol? Do you have a thread with pictures of your tank? I'm sure its beautiful and I would love to see it.


Well-Known Member
So, I just re-read a few things and noticed you asked me a question. I would gravel vac the entire bed of crushed coral until it's all completely clean again and then I would remove it and add new live sand. Out with the old, in with the new. I would not mix crushed coral with sand.
I have, however, used a two inch layer of crushed coral underneath six to eight inches of live sand in a 55g tank before with great success. I like to see all of the things that burrow into the sand and was experimenting with deep sand beds...
Anyways - I hope that answered your question.


Well-Known Member
So, I just re-read a few things and noticed you asked me a question. I would gravel vac the entire bed of crushed coral until it's all completely clean again and then I would remove it and add new live sand. Out with the old, in with the new. I would not mix crushed coral with sand.
+1 maybe even turkey baster the cc before siphon! U may get a small diatom bloom after adding the sand but not to much to worry about! It will go away soon enough!
I'll look for some links to some threads with my tanks!


Well-Known Member
their not up to date though! Im prob gonna take some new video of my tanks tomorrow if i get time! You can check em out on youtube or here i'll prob post em here as well! Same user name on the youtube!
i dont think flower was trying to poke at u or attack u! Or even trying to be offensive! Just posting her opinion! Kinda hard to get a feel for wat someone is trying to say or tell u when its through text! No emotion u know...


Well-Known Member
"i dont think flower was trying to poke at u or attack u! Or even trying to be offensive! Just posting her opinion! Kinda hard to get a feel for wat someone is trying to say or tell u when its through text! No emotion u know..."
+1. She can come off as being a little crass... but she means well and wants the best for you and your tank. Just like me and 1guyDude.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SJgsm http:///t/387383/reef-tank-health-seems-to-be-declining-or-not-advancing-please-help/20#post_3408556
..... I take that as a shot at me, and I'm sorry but I don't appreciate it. 30+ 5" cichlids in a 20gallon tank (150" of fish, that eat like hogs with no clean up crew other than a carbon filter and a pleco...) Imagine just how much nutrients is involved in even feeding that many fish. I guess cichlids would be impossible to kill with insane levels of ammonia,nitrites,and nitrates ey? I'm pretty sure that carbon would then be stocked full enough of garbage that it would be releasing it like wildfire and no longer doing any other sort of filtration.... Fact of the matter is I explained to you that I have used the same carbon bag for "many years" probably 4+ YEARS to be more precise.... This bag was ran 4+ years and pulled out almost a cup of bleach ,as well as coral cleaner,and even SOAP from a 10 gallon nano cube in a matter of days about 2 months ago. Then to have it be rinsed and reused in the same tank that is now housing pods (pods were the first thing to die when bleach was introduced) ,starfish, a mandarin,chaeto, an accidentally mushroom, and now coralline. All this without a SINGLE WATER CHANGE and the only filtration being 10lbs of liverock,a sponge,and the carbon (everything is doing wonderfully as well.) Sounds to me as if it has released none of the toxins it should have built up. Shouldn't it be full by now and with such coral/fish KILLING chemicals? To be honest I do not care as to what you choose with yours but don't act in a manner as to calling me out for my "wisdom." You came off rude to me and I don't care for it. Your the reason I rarely post on these boards as you have nothing better to do but to take unnecessary shots at people. Ttrying to call out somebodies wisdom... Especially, when your the one chucking out carbon and I am still using mine and it is apparently doing its job.. "LOL" to you on wasting good carbon...
If you wanted to say you were going to stick to your method as it works for you then that would have been fine. You rather took it more than one step too far by acting as if you had more wisdom than I. none the less, "Lol guys..." what was the intention of this? To make it clear to everyone else that you were right and I am wrong? I just don't understand how somebody can even talk like that to somebody else. It may seem harmless but you have to realize that some people do not like to be talked to in a certain way. As in I would have never talked to you like that especially when I was nothing but kind to you.
You just got mean enough that's for sure.
WOW....No I didn't mean any of those nasty things....but you have a problem...I will put you on ignor and leave you alone....
Parting words...I simply meant that cichlids are so hardy, they probebly never even needed the carbon, so used up would not have made a difference. With my corals it probebly would so I didn't think it a wise thing for me to try. NOTHING at all about you and your tanks being not well kept. I also only meant that I didn't care for the African cichlids mean attitudes. It had nothing to do with your cichlids. I don't personally care for damsels for the same reason, they are beautiful fish.
You have the same mean attitude your cichlids did...kill everything (blossoming friendships) for no reason. BYE


Active Member
paste this into a google search

Selection and Placement of Activated Carbon in Marine Aquaria

then go to the first link posted.


Active Member
Also this from our friends at wetwebmedia
Everyone dreams of the big money they could save by somehow reversing the adsorption processes of their carbons. Allow me to save you high energy bills, a stinky kitchen, laughter and scorn from your significant other(s); such practices are the stuff of myth. Not near enough noxious material can be driven off by household efforts. The manufacture of useful aquarium grade (activated) carbon is done under high pressure (or vacuum), extreme heat in the presence of formulated chemicals. Mix the old, used carbon in your mulch pile and buy some new."