reef tank live rock


other than here at where are some good places to get liverock and what kind is the best to get i am going to set up a 90 or 110 gallon tank and wanna do it right with good liverock any suggestions?


What the h is that supposed to mean?.....but anyway, to blknght - my suggestion is to shop around look here, look other places and go with the one that meets your needs.


I bought some Fiji off of an auction site. I don't think we are allowed to give out names,but you can probably figure out where the site is. I was able to get 25lbs delivered for $95.00. I was happy with what they sent me. One piece has a lot of corraline on it. Go to the auction site and type in live rock.
This website offers live rock for close to that price too.


Active Member
he is saying that you are asking on a BB provided buy a buisness that sells live rock, where to get live rock- sears sells chaep microwaves so it is rude to ask , other than here where can i get one, and makes you look inconsiderate- but just so you know;)
Are you looking for all LR? Well i needed about 150 lbs of LR so i bought LR there and here from difernet stores to give me a variety of shapes and sizes and then i bougth 50 lbs of Hawaiian Island BR fro do bucks and mixed it and with in 1 month, its turning purple and i noticed some creatures living in it. So you can buy all LR or Buy LR and BR and mix it. has good LR just look towrads the LEft under "Live Rock"


Active Member

Originally posted by tangsfornuttin
frodo bucks? Is that like the currency used in the Lord of the Rings version of Monopoly?



no rudeness meant i just wanted to find a few places to get live rock and what you people thought about the different types new to this so wanna do things right my sincerest apologies to


Active Member

Originally posted by blknght
no rudeness meant i just wanted to find a few places to get live rock and what you people thought about the different types new to this so wanna do things right my sincerest apologies to

What people normally do is make a post with their e-mail address and ask people to contact them ....


My lfs are a little on the expensive side. The cheapest I can find it for is $5.95/lb. Heck, I'll save $1.95/lb and buy it off the net. They offer it here for close to that!