These are photos of my 75 gallon reef tank that I started in March 2007. I've worked on it and I'm not done yet. I currently have 3 neon gobies, 1 ocelearis clown, 1 yellowtail damsel, 1 mandarin Goby, 1 stripe something goby a whitetail goby, 1 bar goby, a purple file fish that I haven't seen in weeks!!! 3 Cleaner shrimps, 1 red fire shrimp, 2 gold coral banded shrimp, 5 peppermint shrimp, some hermit crabs, some turbo snails, and a few other stuff that I don't remember the names.
Corals.... A whole bunch of those, some are... Ricordias, Montipora cap, frogspawn, galaxia, mushrooms of all kinds, open brains, star polyps, leathers, zooanthids, Clams, hammer... and more.
I also have a 29 bio-cube and a 58 oceanic reefs. I will post pics later on.
Please send me feedback. I want to change a few things because its not only overcrowded but it seems too flat. I don't know... maybe its just me. Please let me know what you think.
Corals.... A whole bunch of those, some are... Ricordias, Montipora cap, frogspawn, galaxia, mushrooms of all kinds, open brains, star polyps, leathers, zooanthids, Clams, hammer... and more.
I also have a 29 bio-cube and a 58 oceanic reefs. I will post pics later on.
Please send me feedback. I want to change a few things because its not only overcrowded but it seems too flat. I don't know... maybe its just me. Please let me know what you think.