I have been poking around this site and many other trying to find out info about reef tanks. I have just recently converted from freshwater. I have my tank and everything set up now. My salinity is around 1.023 and my ph is between 8.2 and 8.3 according to the color card that came with my test kit, and my temp is around 76-77. Is this about right? Also, when can a start adding things like algae and corals and stuff? I know I am supposed to wait until it cycles to add fish and stuff. What minerals and supplements do I need to add to the water for
the corals and such? Sorry for being so long winded and for all of the questions, but I have already invested a lot of money and just don't want to waste any by screw ups that could be avoided.
the corals and such? Sorry for being so long winded and for all of the questions, but I have already invested a lot of money and just don't want to waste any by screw ups that could be avoided.