Reef Tanks


New Member
I am going to setup a reef tank in the next two months and was wondering what are some important things I need to know about them. And if you have any favorite corals or fish that are good for beginers please let me know.


Excellent skimming, filtration and correct lighting are obviously essential.
Try the soft corals to start with as in general they are less demanding than hard corals. I have always found Tooth corals (particularly plerogyra sinuosa)to be easy though.
Try green polyps and mushrooms first.


READ READ READ!!!! Everything and anything you can get your hands on! Get yourself some nice high-powered Metal Halide lights to start off with and then go from there, nice big skimmer and plenty of Live Rock, and maybe some live sand. As for a good beginner's fish, I reckon dottybacks are pretty tough. Some damsels are good but be selective as some are really hostile and will be a real pest when you try to intoduce more expensive fish later. As for corals, some of the LPS corals such as Euphyllia anchora are pretty tough, as well as the sofites.


New Member
My biggest suggestion is this, start out with a clown or two, and slowly introduce live rock. When you get to a point where your fish arent dying and your water levels are perfect and you have growth on your live rock (the good kind, like coralline algea and the fun little organisms that we love to watch) is flourishing...then introduce the more expensive stuff. This hobby isn't cheap, so really be careful not to buy something on an impulse at the fish store, when you know your water isn't good enough for it. And if you have all of the items that the other people above have recommended that you buy, that will make it alot easier for you to succeed. But it's also a big commitment. I'm lecturing now, sorry. Anyway, good luck!


New Member
I have had a tank for two years so my memory is fresh and my wounds have not all healed. The bigger the tank the better as the water chemistry is more stable (75g or higher and get a reef-ready tank) Trickle fitration, uv sterilization, protein skimmer, metal hylight lights and a number of circulation pumps are essential. All this is expensive but it will save you time and frustration (as well as money) in the long run. Once you get the tank cycled with rock and damsels(3 months or so), I would remove the damsels and slowly add reef-safe fish finishing with a couple of (different not the same breed) Red Sea tangs (Purple, Sohal and/or Sailfin) They are stunningly beautiful,reef safe, active, feed on algae and durable (the Red Sea is not very clean). They are aggressive so they should be added near the end. Once the fish are stable, you can add soft coral and other more delicate animals
Good Luck


A few hardier corals.....Bubble Corals, Mushrooms, Polyps, Cult Coral, Most leather Corals, some of the Gorgonians (Check my web page to see one of the hardier Gorgonians), theres plenty of fairly hardy corals....Just ask around or read. Good luck..