reef trickle filter noise


New Member
I have a 10 gal. trickle filter that is built into the end of my aquarium the water flows from the surface down 2"
is there anyway to stop the waterfall noise
any ideas ?


Active Member
Never heard of that type tank but, looking at the pic..... Can you glue a strip of acrylic under the water fall? It would be just enough to give the trickeling water to flow down onto. It would keep it from becoming "airborne" and quite it down.


put filter floss on the vertical wall from the top lip to the top of the water in the sump side, use the blue and white pad type. the water will find its way down the outside after awhile when it starts to plug up. you can hold it place with the large PLASTIC paper clips or slice some 3/8 tubing and slip it over the partition and pad, works like a charm