Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!


Well I've seen other people make these types of threads before so I'll do one too. This way I can just update when I've got new pics instead of starting a new thread every time. We'll start off with a full tank shot and then individual photos to follow. Enjoy! And please leave some comments!!!
Full tank:

3 Yellow Tangs:

Flame Hawkfish:

Australian Harlequin Tusk:

Clown Tang:

Orange Spotted Rabbitfish:

Sohal Tang and Rabbit:

Clown and Yellow:

Harlequin and Yellow:

Group photo:

Thats all for now!!! Let me know what ya think!


Mine's about 6 inches and yeah she's very pushy. Pickin on the Clown Tang alot but I'm givin it a few more days to see if it'll work out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefboys
Full tank:

This picture is awesome, are there pirates in those ships....hey wait, is that really the ocean, your trying to trick us. :notsure:


Larry-Haha I love the ocean so I've done my best to replicate it in my room lol.
Sean-Thanks!!! I really like my Tusk. He's really cool.


I'm doin everything I can to get them to live in harmony but so far its not workin so hot. The Clown is already eating which is great and stays out of the Sohal's way but once in a while the Sohal will take a chase or nip at the Clown. I'm gonna give it another day or two and if it still doesn't work then I've got access to a few other tanks that either of them could be moved to.