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Active Member
I believe that is the generic admin IP for a Verizon rented Linksys router ( You may not be able to make it work because anyone else with the same router uses that IP for admin. You can see it on your home network but we won''t be able to. If the PC you are using has a unique IP you can run IIS or Apache or another web server off of that IP and publish to it and we should be able to see it


Active Member
Still can't see it. You may have to go into the routers security settings and make sure that under the "Block WAN requests" section you disable "Block Anonymous Internet Requests"


sorry for the inexperienced user here. I bypassed the router, disabled firewalls . . . and it still wont work
Using activewebcam by . . . guess ima gonna need to call em up
192.168.0.XXX-255 would be the default IP scheme of your LAN. Dot 1 would be your gateway (router) Dot 2 sounds like your box. Go into the router and foward port 80 to with TCP/IP. Your Box, Dot 2, should be running sum sort of webserving software, then it will handle Http requests. You will need to turn off "Block WAN Requests" on your router. When you want to see it outside of the LAN, IE Internet users, go to and just post the ip number. When a users hits it with there browser, it defaults to port 80. So you will not need to post the port.
I have one set up with one of the many boxes i have sitting around. But when i try to fire off the cam software, i crashes. Not enuf ram, got to dig throu my junk for some more. :rolleyes:
Make sure, when you are in your router, to have "remote managment" turned off, and change that port 8080 to somthing else. Port 8080 is the port so that you can config your LinkSys router via the WAN (internet). Some bad folks might want to come for a visit. :nervous:. Are u running XP? Make sure to turn off the firewall that comes with it. And if you are running a softy firewall (IE Zone Alarm) make sure your cam software is allowed to access the internet.
looks like u already have "remote managment" turned off if you still have that ip. Let me know if ya need anymore help.....


Thanks me/my fish. Ur info was most helpful . . . i was slowly gettin there . . . u saved me a day or so of trial and error.
Found out:
xp firewall was active . . . i swear i disabled it a long time ago!
ZA, though not apparently running, was enabled. I had recently upgraded but had not rebooted. Now that is fixed!
Activewebcam has a nice little setup wizard . . . ran it again this am and it says everything is fine now. Will be moving cam to tank later today . . . so hold on sports fans!
Will ck out too. Thanks again for your interest and help. Good luck with urs too! Would like to see it!


Try going to Camarades and use their free webcam software. The link is below. Then you can use their server to handle the distribution of the streaming video.
Camarades Video cams
You can go to my test website at Dan's Reef and click on the webcam icon (it will tell you if I'm online or not) and see how mine comes across.


thanks for the link.
Ur webpage is very nice . . im in the process of building mine . . . lol lot to learn if u have never done so before.
Ur webcam icon said active but it would not load. When I rt clicked to load pic, it gave me ur webcams admin setup password request!


That's wierd. I was just at a clients and I was able to access it from there. Oh well, that's why I have a job :)
Let me know if you need a place to host your web site or need any help. That's what I do for a living :D


i can telnet to that ip under 8080, but get a fail to display page when hitting it http. my guess... check the application that your webcam is using. probably not configured correctly. your machine is listening on 8080, so router is configured correct.