

ck it out . . . see if it works. I think i have the bugs worked out. The software says it can handle upwards of 100 visitors . . . we will see! If it doesnt crash my box, hope to make it permanent . . . and add a snowflake cam with scheduled eel feedings!!


that is pretty cool. And a pretty tank. I think my computer is having trouble with it though because I'm getting it more like frame by frame then a steady moving camera


Thanks for sharing!
My kids are jumping around the screen.... "Theres Dorey... Theres..Bubbles!"
They are beautiful tangs...its a beautiful tank!


Active Member

Originally posted by JLM
that is pretty cool. And a pretty tank. I think my computer is having trouble with it though because I'm getting it more like frame by frame then a steady moving camera

Same here, is everybody getting the same results or is it just the select few, or is this normal?


Thanks for ur comments all . . . i will post bak answers to all ?'s in a few hours. Meantime cam is still up and runnin!


ok some answers:
I finally got it werkin with the software($29) u see on the cam site. Opened one port in the firewall. Neat software . . . it configures and tests all parameters for u and runs a http server on ur box.
My browser shows the webcam at 1 frame a sec, sometimes as high as 4 frames/sec . . . even though the cam and software will support 30/sec. Everything will affect that. Your box's OS, RAM, and internet connection (obviously broadban is best) Then u have no telling how many servers to go thru. Just to view it on my browser with cox hsi, its routed thru the phoenix, AZ server. But its much better than a few years ago!!! And as internet speed increases in the future we may be able to approach live streaming(which is available but $$$$ . . . u have to have windows steaming services, win server 2000 or higher, and even a video capture card, true videocamera etc...
Webcams: so far creative webcam pro nx is the best (about $50) Stay away from Veo!
I soon will have my snowflake cam up tooo!!!! . . with scheduled live feedings etc
@ 1pm cst watch for tang feeding frenzy. After that tag will cloud up with kalk topoff!


Piece of cake!! D/l the software 30 days free. Get a webcam . . . i like creative's as mentioned above.
Best box is xp with at least 375 or so ram. I'll help u after that!!!
feeding frenzy in 10 mins!!


u can run ur USB webcam with a usb extension cable . . . about 12 to 16 feet. U can get fancy with a wireless usb adapter . . . but for now stick with the cable!
gonna move cam to the eel tank shortly. Eel feeding at 4 pm cst!!!!