Reefeels tank after 5 months


You are aware that butterfly fish arent reef safe, right?
Yes but before I picked this one I went through all my books and all the sites I know of that sell fish to see that the copperband is reef-safe, with cation. I have not seen him nip anything but the live rock dosn't bother my dusters either.


Just give him time. They have that extra long beak for a reason ya know, and its not for opening locks..hehe, i amuse myself. It will become very interested in yer dusters soon i believe


Active Member
my henicohus eat all my dusters and the ones i removed i think are dead hey havent opened up in my QT


And yet another rule tossed out the window LOL

What is that Sebae doing on the rocks? When he should be basking on the sandbed like a good little anemone.
Seriously how long has he been on the rocks?
He looks abit pale to me.
Nice shots of the tank, thanks for sharing. Nice duster!


Active Member
Hey, reefeel, what is that in the third pic right around the anemone? It looks like a wardi wasse or somethin... just curious.
By the way, awesome lookin tank!


Active Member
looks great, i had a copper banded, but he killied all my feather dusters, so i swaped him out, i miss him!
, nice looking bubble too!!! Todd:happyfish


What is that Sebae doing on the rocks? When he should be basking on the sandbed like a good little anemone.
I only have compacts so I put him as close to the light as possible. I tried various rocks but he seems to love the spot he is in he has been there for 2 months.
Hey, reefeel, what is that in the third pic right around the anemone? It looks like a wardi wasse or somethin... just curious.
Yes that is my goofy 4-line wrasse he was in about 2/3 of the pictures I took no matter where it was.


He looks abit pale to me.
He is a bit pale in the picture he is normally a skin color and is slowly getting darker. I bought it totally white-was bleached- but I have been feeding him shrimp and now he does fine and my percula clowns now play in him:joy: .


My poor copperband died, well he still is in the process but it won't be long. I tried everything to get him to eat. No wonder my lfs had him 1/2 off, they probably didn't feed it anything that it would eat. I've only had for almost 2 weeks.